Saturday, October 10, 2015

Abandoned Oil Refinery/Beale’s Cut

These days the Santa Clarita Valley can be accessed from the south via the 14 and 5 freeways or The old road and Sierra highway. Back in the mid 1800’s the first path through what is now the Newhall Pass was Beale’s Cut.  A crude path cut through the mountain but an important throughway that allowed people to gain access to the Santa Clarita Valley.

Beale’s Cut still exists although it is somewhat challenging to get to.  Access from the south is somewhat available although it has become increasingly overgrown.  Access from the north requires you to pass through what is left of the Newhall Refinery property which is connected to the Elsmere Canyon open space. 

To find out more about this historical site please visit

Below are some photos and video of my trek to this historic site.

Newhall refinery in the 50s                       and today


Beale’s Cut today
Beale's Cut
A link to a photo of the same area in the 1870s

A view looking north from inside the cut
Inside Beale's Cut
And a view looking south from inside the cut

A little video of the decent from Beale's cut back through the refinery.

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