Sunday, July 5, 2015

Ibanez Tone Lok series CF7 Chorus/Flanger demo

wakdBack in the late 90’s, Ibanez had a great idea for their new series of effects pedals.The Tone Lok series allowed you to set your knobs then depress them and lock them in place preventing them from being moved or accidentally stepped on.


This idea in itself was great, but they went even further (at least with some of the series).  the CF7 Chorus/Flanger featured a “Krazy” switch to go between normal and “WAKD”.  The normal settings were average swirly modulation sounds but the “WAKD” setting allowed for Vibrato,Leslie, Ring Mod, and beyond. 


I acquired one of these pedals for about $30 on ebay and decided to do a video demo, similar to my “Yestergear” posts from my old blog.



Saturday, July 4, 2015

St. Francis Dam disaster

The St. Francis Dam disaster was one of the worst engineering failures in California history.  On March 28th 1938, the St. Francis Dam failed and collapsed.  A wall of water flowed through San Fransicquito canyon, through the Castaic Junction, Fillmore, Santa Paula and finally ended up in the pacific ocean.

Growing up in Southern California I don’t recall ever hearing about this, I guess it wasn't a proud moment in California History.  As an adult living in the Santa Clarita Valley I became interested in the history of the surrounding areas.  After reading up on the disaster and the history of the site I decided to go check it out for myself.  It’s hard to believe that the site and the remains of the dam have just been sitting there off San Fransisquito Canyon road for nearly 90 years.

Below are some pictures I took from three different trips out to the site between Feb and Nov  2014


Someone was nice enough to let you know when get there and when you pass  the site.


This is the top of the west ridge. The remains are far less weathered up here. DSCN1681DSCN1700

This huge rock like structure is actually a large piece of the dam. This is about 1/4 mile down the river bed from the dam site.  I'd say it's about the size of a two story house.

You can line up this last shot with the shot right after the dam failed linked below. Note the dark rubble on top of the stepped concrete.

This is an interesting trip and not a long hike.  If you’re interested in learning more about this site and the history please visit the link below

Happy 4th of July!

Happy 4th of July!!

Enjoy my rendition of the our country's National Anthem.